0 Tweet November 22 Show Announcement Video November 7, 201311/07/13 Zac and Paul return to the stage Friday, November 22 at BSP Lounge in Kingston, NY. ShowsShare :
0 Tweet Dead Unicorn return to stage, start work on Code Green November 1, 201311/01/13 Dead Unicorn became Dad Unicorn shorty after the release of Pandemic — both Paul and Zac repopulated the planet, albeit pre-apocalypse. We’re excited to announce that Paul and Zac are back in the Fallout Shelter studio working on songs for their fourth studio album. Code Green is the working title, as it is the fourth of seven color-coded albums planned. After successfully dodging the flu, Dead Unicorn will be taking the stage again for a show on Nov. 22 at BSP Lounge in Kingston, NY. This is the band’s first show in about four months, and the second to last of the year… more on that later. Hope to see you there. ShowsShare :